About Us

The Primary Care Northern Ireland organisation has created a private/public sector alliance for the provision of new primary care capital development and investment and support services in the Northern Ireland primary care commissioning sector.

The DHSSPS is currently undergoing a wide ranging reorganisation that is still only part completed.  This and the current financial climate have created a vacuum in the local health care economy.  Primary Care Northern Ireland is anxious to explore feasible partnership working models that can compliment both national and local trends and compliment the DHSSPS strategy and ethos.

We believe that partnership should be:

  1. Locally sensitive.
  2. In line with national precedent.
  3. In line with “strategic fit” (acute to primary care).
  4. Providing financial solutions for the public expenditure agenda.
  5. Creating a service development which compliments the timing of the current public sector reorganisation.
  6. Able to afford GPs’ a number of flexible financial solutions to both the issue of capital developments and commissioning and provision service issues.

Our organisation is committed to improving the health and wellbeing of our local population by ensuring that the services we offer are capable of delivering:

  • Health improvement and high quality care that is a consistent part of the patient experience.
  • Service needs that evolve to reflect changes in healthcare and society.
  • Continuously improving services.
  • Essential standards that are guaranteed and an environment in which excellence is rewarded.